Our Vision For Engine Yard
Engine Yard has always made it easy for you to deploy your applications to the cloud. Over years, the cloud has evolved. The cloud now is:
- More Elastic: Gives you the agility to scale your applications up and down instantly without costly resource overhead
- Hyper Virtualized: Helps you maximize hardware utilization
- Cost Efficient: Seamless scaling and high utilization directly translate to cost savings
- Secure by design
- Extensible: You can develop and deploy applications rapidly
It’s just orders of magnitude better than the previous generation cloud.
Taking advantage of the new cloud is not easy. It takes a lot of DevOps resources to migrate and run those applications on the new cloud infrastructure. As Engine Yard always did, we want to help our customers take advantage of the new cloud infrastructure without necessarily building DevOps expertise.
That is why we are reimagining how we deliver value. New Engine Yard for the new cloud with far greater capabilities.
Outstanding Support: We know that you love Engine Yard’s outstanding support. We’ll continue to deliver world class support and invest further in building additional support capabilities.
Innovating on the core Engine Yard: Core of the Engine Yard is to be able to run your applications on the cloud seamlessly.
- With Engine Yard Kontainers (EYK), you will be able to run your applications on container based infrastructure. EYK helps you get the most benefits that come with the new cloud infrastructure.
- Auto Scaling is seamless and built into EYK. Containers will be available to your application in just a few seconds.
- Private Clusters is the default deployment mode and your applications will run in highly secure, isolated clusters that are exclusively yours.
- Support for provisioning and accessing AWS managed services
- NoOps by Design: You’ll get all these benefits without any DevOps expertise. Continue focusing on your application and let Engine Yard do the rest.
This is just the beginning and we’ll continue to innovate on Engine Yard for the modern cloud infrastructure.
While we deliver all this innovation, your application on Engine Yard Cloud will continue to run seamlessly. There are certain use-cases where you are better off migrating to the EYK and we’ll provide additional support so that you always get the best infrastructure for your applications.
Additional Application Stacks: We are adding more Application Stacks to the EYK so that we can support more applications that you need to run. We cannot wait to see what else you’ll run on Engine Yard.
The Engine Yard Platform: What if you can deploy more third party apps on Engine Yard with just one click? Want to run pgAdmin to access your PostgreSQL database? Load balance your databases? Or even launch Dev environments within just seconds?
We are building a platform on top of Engine Yard that gives you a lot more tools, applications and infrastructure to run your cloud infrastructure without the hassle of complex deployments. This update only covers what’s coming at a high level. We’ll dive deeper in subsequent posts.
With all the innovation that’s happening, it’s really exciting to be part of Engine Yard!